Why Use Active Root's Gel Mix?
Matthew MaidmentDuring exercise, especially endurance activities like long-distance running or cycling, many athletes experience nausea and gastrointestinal (GI) distress. This can be a result of intense physical exertion, which diverts blood away from the stomach to the muscles, making digestion more difficult. Many runners often struggle with conventional gels, which can often exacerbate stomach issues.
Active Root's Gel Mix contains 24g of carbohydrates per serving along with stomach settling ginger, perfect to power your endurance sessions, whilst preventing GI distress from arising!
Aside from its potent ginger power, there are numerous reasons as to why Gel Mix is a gamechanger.
Easier To Carry
Gel Mix comes as a powder, which you simply mix with water in a Soft Flask to turn the powder into its gel form. One 170ml Soft Flask can hold between the equivalent of 1-4 gel servings. Carrying one or two soft flask provides you with up to 8 gel servings, enough for a marathon, without having to worry about loose gels all over your kit!
Custom Fuelling
Another benefit of holding multiple gel servings in a single flask is the ability to customize your intake. Single use gels often have to be consumed all in one go, whereas with the soft flask, you can consume as little or as much as you need. Where you mix it with water yourself also allows you to control the viscosity of the gel. You can have it as runny or as thick as you like!
Environmentally Friendly
For those of you who are keen to use sustainable practices, Gel Mix is a great option. The pouches that Gel Mix come in are recyclable, coupled with the use of reusable soft flasks for consumption, means that there is less waste when compared to the use of conventional gel wrappers.